04 Dec 5 Ways to Reduce Your Sales Staff Turn Over
Working as a sales field consultant can be a lonely job. More often than not, your sales staff are overloaded with tasks and meetings, there are no guarantees that they will make their KPIs (even if they’ve tried their hardest), and they get a lot of rejection. In the end, as a business owner, it just means high and costly staff turnover for your business.
A recurring pain point for so many of our clients is the constant field staff turnover. If the issues are not with past company culture, lack of recognition, lack of advancement and of course low salaries, then what is the cause of high sales consultants turn over?
Have you ever asked yourself whether you are arming your sales consultants with the right tools for success? With salaries that are directly proportional to their performances, it’s essential that they are provided with the tools that allow them to shine. This is not as hard as you may think it is.
Here’s how VIPS can reduce sales staff turnover for your business.
Keeping up with the young ones
Your sales consultants are increasingly younger and they are far more tech savvy than their older counterparts. As they now make up quite a large portion of your work force, shouldn’t they be empowered with the right mobile technology? Manual, and paper heavy tasks can be cause for frustration and ineffectiveness.
The VIPS Consultant Dashboard App and Counter Resource Library can be integrated without disruption in your day to day, and give your young sales force a competitive edge in a matter of days.
Clear communication
Your mobile sales force are more often than not, out on the road. It can get hard to keep track of their whereabouts and left on their own they will fail time and again, burning out quickly. Everyone, the young ones in particular, is after development and support.
When training is a burden, and you lack the resources for sales managers to train and help their team, then your sales staff are bound to leave. The VIPS Digital Training App is valuable not just for field staff but also for your management. Clear, up-to-date communication connects head office with their field teams, providing full visibility of activities, transactions and sales performance.
Get your FREE 15 minutes business health check with VIPS now.
VIPS is your secret weapon
Knowing your customer is a critical factor for your sales teams’ success. So how well do your sales consultant know their customers? Are they constantly calling head office for information?
The VIPS Customer Loyalty Registration App can provide your team with real time information about their customers. Empower them with data that helps them connect and interact at the right time and accelerate their sales.
Rethink their to-do-lists
Would you be shocked to find out that research shows that less than 20% of a consultant’s time is spent directly on selling? VIPS allows for one source of truth for your data, it minimises manual tasks, giving your sales team time to do what they do best – sell.
Keep them informed
You’ve made the decision to integrate VIPS to facilitate communications, improve effectiveness and ultimately drive success. Now you just have to convince your team that this is good for them too.
Focus on the straightforward advantages
- Every piece of information can be stored online with easy access
- Administration is automated as opposed to kept on Post-it notes
- The whole team gets updated at the same time and in real time
- Improved communication with your sales manager and colleagues.
To learn more about how to help your sales consultants spend more time selling and improve your business’ productivity measurement practices, call VIPS today on 1300 788 801.
Make your move, and contact VIPS today.