VIPS International | Vikki Maver
VIPS create infield smart device applications to meet today’s demand for mobility and speed of execution. Solutions can include any combination of existing VIPS applications or customised solutions.
field sales, sales solutions, software, smart device sales applications
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Author: Vikki Maver

Sales team productivity

31 Jan 3 steps to boost sales team productivity

Sales team productivity. No matter how great your products, no matter how ubiquitous your brand, your business will underperform without it. And no matter where the inefficiencies in your sales cycle lie, staff morale will suffer.   So if your sales team is being held back...

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17 Aug Making the case for mobile enterprise apps

For many big name brands and companies, any type of change is difficult to get off the ground. Whether it’s embracing the digital revolution or kick-starting a switch in strategy – every organisation needs a charismatic change-maker to hit higher and reach further.   Changing the way...

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visual merchandising pharmaceuticals shelf display

15 Aug Visual merchandising made easy

Are you responsible for standardising pharmacy counter and shelf displays across multiple stores? If so, you know how hard it can be to achieve fast, consistent results.   And chances are you’re fed up with the uncertainty around branding and compliance – never quite knowing how well...

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